Monday, 27 February 2012

Recycled Print

I have many clients asking if I can produce their printing "Green". Using recycled paper and vegetable based inks!
The simple answer is yes, but it got me thinking.
A few years back the Green revolution started with good reason, we can't keep taking the Earth's resources and expect the world to just keep giving!
A new market was born!
Organic.. locally sourced... recycled.. many variations were created to serve the growing interest in the Green market but to what purpose? Was it all for the good of our planet?
As with most mind changing revolutions, companies started to exploit the Big Green Idea to their own means.
Green now a big business takes a very large sector in many industries helping to employ thousands.
It has been a great success story for many people. It's also used as a money saver too.
Banks save a fortune by not sending out printed statements.
Is this for good? Or ambush marketing?
In my industry, print has had some good changes since Green came along. It's now more common than not that the Ink on your marketing material is made from soya based Inks and the paper would have come from a sustainable source, farmed.
But Is this Good?
Some printing companies quickly saw a great new advertising opportunity everything was Green based, offering recycled card and paper.
The question is how good is recycled stock?
As many customers wanted Green but still wanted the end product to be high quality, paper mills and recycling plants were forced to bleach the paper pulp to make it bright white again.
But what has a more detrimental effect on the planet, the bleaching of recycled paper or creating virgin paper from sustainable sources?
I don't have the facts to answer that question but it's worth thinking about.
I do think though, that as time has gone by the ethics of the printing and paper industry has improved and the mixture of recycled and virgin paper stocks like nine lives have struck up quite a good balance in the FSC V Recycled argument.
So if you are placing a print order today for the first time, although some are great, don't feel obliged to order from Green printers, just simply check the paper is FSC approved chances are the ink will be soya based anyway.

January 2012

Happy New Year

With 2011 behind us now and 2012 in full swing its a great time to reflect on the past business year, we hope you've had as much success and excitement as we have? We finished our last quarter with the introduction of some great new clients who will now be benefiting from our Print Management services.

We recently produced some great calendars for the Gardian comic strip and BBC radio 4 comedy Clare in the Community If your a fan you can buy your copies here Clare in the community calendars Amoung others we also produced these wonderful Dr Who Posters for Paul Cemmick.

June 2011

Paddle Round The Pier

Recently we have had the great opportunity to work with David Samuel Associates in producing their Paddle Round the Pier marketing material. We are proud to be a part of this great event which has been running for many years and in that time has raised over £100,000 for charity. We hope this event will be another great sucess and recommend you pop along yourselves on the the 2nd and 3rd of July for a great weekend.

Brighton Open Houses

Throughout May we have also been working along side some of our creative clients. We have had a busy old time producing fine art prints for the Brighton open house season for Penny Dann also some great limited edition prints for Peter Mac and Vicky Woodgate and we produced some fine pieces of artwork created by James Hood for the Adam And Joe Show on BBC 6 Music.

March 2011

Moving onwards and upwards

Exciting times of late. We have moved into new studios in the centre of Brighton. We are now at: The Annex, 43 Belmont Street, Brighton, BN1 4HN.

We have also been busy working along side our clients too, helping them as this year picks up!

with the up coming Brighton Marathon we have been helping prepare for their expo, which we expect to be a great success. And with other events and shows coming thick and fast this time of year we have been kept on our toes. But its not just our events clients who are busy, our design clients too seem to be taking on interesting projects all in all its looking like a promising year.

We recently had the pleasure of supplying stationery and marketing material for John Miller Designs, and Adrian Johnson Studios using Foil printing and Litho printing, below are couple of images of some of the products, the end results being high quality and affordable.

Intersted in adding value to your print project? get in touch with us today with your ideas, we would love to make them a reality.

1st November 2010

Open House Season again

Giclee Offer
Fine art prints A3 "Giclee" full colour high quality prints
10 for £59
25 for £110

Greetings Card Offer

A5 Greetings cards and envelopes
Full colour Litho quality print
250 for £119

Contact Steve
to place orders or request more information

31st October 2010

Busy Season

Its been a busy time at inky towers of late, along with the usual manic deadlines this time of year brings we have also had the pleasure of working with a couple of events companies, supplying exhibition and marketing material and shipping it to various venues around the country. We have also been involved in the design and print for the black pearl sailing team, supplying them with branded crew shirts for The rolex middle ocean yacht race.

10th August 2010

Brighton Illustrators Group

I recently spoke at the Brighton Illustrators 6 x 6 meeting in Brighton's North laines along with 5 great Illustrators discussing their work. My talk was on creative's self marketing themselves and tips on how to use social media to their advantage. I also covered other media such as QR bar codes, a great way of integrating print media with online and how your marketing campaigns can really work. With over 100 members and having run for 20 plus years, The Brighton Illustrators group has been a must for Illustrators living within the Brighton area For those who missed my talk please drop me an email for a free self marketing booklet

29th July 2010

Brighton Illustrators Talk

Marketing Talk. Thursday 29th July I shall be talking at the Brighton Illustrators groups, 6x6 talk up stairs at the Eagle in Brighton's North Laines. Come along for tips and pointers on marketing for Creative's

18th February 2010

Giclee Offer

Selling your art online? Taking part in an Open House?
Fine art prints "Giclee" full colour high quality prints
10 for £49
25 for £99

Greetings Card Offer

A5 Greetings cards
Full colour Litho quality print
200 for £99

Contact Steve
to place orders or request more information.

28th October 2009

We have just completed the printing of promotional postcards for 6 Illustrators at The Annexe Studios in Brighton... some examples can be seen below including a folded Concertina A6 postcard pack and various A6 cards printed using Litho.....If you require a similar service, then please do not hesitate to get intouch via email or phone to get a very competitive quote